Poem #2: Compass of Compassion

Encompass my heart

with Your compassion

For those who need favour

Aren’t we all in need of a Saviour?

For all have sinned and fallen short

So be careful not to let pride distort

Your gaze

On the subject of grace

A compass so true

Is His Spirit within you

Directing you to where you should go

Equipping you to better know

The Words spoken by our King

Coming alive with His understanding

His Word being a map for every venture

Living in His paths for His pleasure

He might send us into the unknown

But He doesn’t send us on the journey alone

Having a Companion and Comforter

He is our wonderful Counsellor

Not abandoning those He calls dear

Those having eyes to see and ears to hear

We might grow weary on this road’s length

But this I know,

it’s Your JOY

that gives us strength!

Though we pass through fire and river streams

It is only You who redeems.


Navigate us to not go astray

To Your gates

Filled with gladness on the way!

Therefore if there is any consolation in Christ,

if any comfort of love,

if any fellowship of the Spirit,

if any affection and mercy,

fulfil my joy by being like-minded,

having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind.

Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit,

but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself.

Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.

Philippians 2:1‭-‬4 NKJV


Shalom Friends

This is the second poem in our poetry series. We felt Abba Father leading us to invite His Beloveds to His table with Poetry centred around His Kingdom, His Character and His Word. If you are led by the Spirit to submit a poem that we will consider posting, you can kindly do so by sending the poem with it’s title and Scriptures that goes with it to zadoakmusic@gmail.com

In Him we live

And move

And have our being

The ZadOak Team

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