Goodness at the table of Yahweh

A pile of dishes was stacked to my left. In front of me, a basin filled with hot foamy water was eagerly waiting for plates and pans to be fully immersed and cleansed in it. The afternoon sun-rays were dancing through the window, making a soft landing upon the yellow flowers on the windowsill. The delicate leaves cast a delightful shadow on the curves of the porcelain vase in front of me. My heart filled with wonder allowed words to flow from it.. The shadows and the sunshine both are equally delightful to behold..

I thought about seasons of life and how both the hardships and pleasant times, have beauty entangled within them, if one would be willing to embrace it. As the words twirled within my mind, I thought about the light and how Abba created with His words. Out of utter chaos and blackness He spoke His life-giving words. Lo and behold, what He created first was nothing other than Light!

Genesis 1:3‭-‬4 TLV

*Then God said, “Let there be light!” and there was light. God saw that the light was good. So God distinguished the light from the darkness.*

Goodness! Isn\’t that what all of creation longs for? We long for what is good. Yet, Abba saw His unadulterated creation and uttered the words; It is good! Tov! In Hebrew the word for good is tov.

Surely His goodness will follow us all the days of our lives. What I have learnt in my few years here on earth, is hardship is sometimes the packaging in which goodness comes. It is beauty through ashes. In my home country we have a most loved flower called a Protea. The beautiful thing about this flower is its resilience. It often sprouts after wildfires. Beauty literally springing up from the ashes. Goodness within the devastating effect of the flames.

Romans 8:28

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

Paul didn\’t say good things and good times work together for the good, he said all things. That includes times when we want to shut our ears, our eyes and hearts to the realities around us. All things, including the moments when we feel overcome by fear and doubt. When we find ourselves in the boat, and a storm picks up in the east and violently engages the atmosphere that surround us. In that moment, when we search for Yeshua and He seems fast asleep. Yet, we know that He calms the storms and that even the winds and the waves must obey Him. Every. Single. Time. The pathway that leads to His goodness is called surrender. As we exclaim \”let Your will be done!\” through the tears, the fears, and the pain. I have mostly found myself bravely whispering in a shaky voice, \”Abba, not my will, but Yours be done!\”. You see, beloved, we were never given the assurance of a life without trouble. And our minute minds truly do struggle to comprehend how goodness can come out of darkness. How light can break through the shadows. Still somehow, it always does. The day breaks and the shadows flee away.

The storm and the stillness

both fairly filled with purpose

once it is fully embraced

Oh, to run this race

With endurance

And perseverance

The shadows and the sunshine

both are equally delightful to behold

As His plans become more vivid

and all of His purposes unfold

Let Your will be fully done

Through rain and sun

Through barrenness and blooms

Let Your kingdom come

Not just to some

For You so loved us all

Even those who so frequently

Stumble and fall

Grant us the strength and the grace

To repent and turn back

Without any slack

To boldly finish this life\’s race

To run and not grow weary

While we wait with expectation

Knowing You do not have any limitations

For You are God

and there is none who can compare

There is no one with whom

Your glory will be shared

May it be

That we can be fully free

As it is in heaven

Let it so be on this earth

Even through the intensity of labour

That causes life to be birthed

To You we will tenderly cry

Your name we will

still praise and magnify

To You alone belong the kingdom

in its fulness

With all of its goodness

And all purity and all power

Even in this hour

And the greatness of glory

Through every set apart one\’s story

Now and forever



Psalms 23:6

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; And I will dwell in the house of the Lord Forever.

Beloved, do you recognise and see that within His house, at His table, as sons and daughters, there His goodness is to be found. We are invited to become fully adopted, with a new name and identity, into His family. A place where Yahweh is the Father and we can be safe under His protection. Within the walls of His house, His good and perfect will is to be found. This is the house called hope.

Romans 12:2 NKJV

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

So, may we be conformed to the Father\’s will within His house as His beloved children. This is where we are safe to just be and to be formed and pruned. I have found that our children feel the safest at home. Their little hearts feel safe to be authentic. And so at times in our house the emotions can be quite high. I have come to the realization that home is the safe haven where their stormy hearts feel safe enough to be disclosed. And I am privileged to be the one to witness these things coming out of their little hearts and to welcome our children with loving arms in the midst of their confusion. Bewilderment often finds its way through our house in the form of high emotions. Truth then comes in to gently guide the actions that so often comes alongside the tears and tantrums. Their little hearts sometimes seem to erupt violently with all the emotions that cannot possibly be contained within their small beings. As children within our Father\’s house, we may also pour out our hearts before our Abba. He is literally standing ready and is not the least bit threatened or caught off guard with the matters that might be pouring out of our hearts. He invites us to pour out our hearts and as we do, He stands very close by, catching up every single tear we spill. Not a single one is wasted. He gently guides and speaks truth into the parts that need to be guided back into truth. The lies that we have embraced become exposed as His light shines upon our hearts. He corrects us with the same voice that created the vast expanse of creation. His voice brings life. His loving-kindness fills our childlike beings. Shame and guilt and fear have no place as we turn back to the Father.


You are invited to the house of the Father, to sit at His table as a green olive tree. In this moment I cannot help but to think of the Papa of the prodigal son. He waited for his beloved child, with great expectation. And when his son did return, he welcomed him with arms wide open. His love washed over the sorrows embedded within the son\’s heart. There was no place for regrets or shame. \”You are mine! You are home! You are safe!\” His papa might have said. All I know is that love is defined in this moment. Our own Abba\’s love is here even now. He is inviting us to come to Him with all that is within. Holding nothing back!

Psalms 52:8 NKJV

But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God; I trust in the mercy of God forever and ever.

This is my prayer for all of us sitting around His table;

May those who have sown bountiful in tears reap an abundant harvest of joy. For joy comes with the break of day. The sun of righteousness somehow will rise with healing in its wings. We will all once more leap as satisfied calves out of the stall, for the winter also will pass and spring will come again. I remind myself of this time and again.

Rest in Him just as an exhausted toddler would rest in his papa\’s arms. Find His peace and goodness right there, at the table of our Father.


Carmen Tehillah


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